Special Education at King's Preparatory Academy covers a wide range of Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) or placements for students who have tested as Gifted or disabled under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004). These students benefit from educational placement at their instructional level to ensure that the most appropriate education path is available.
To achieve this balance of diverse instructional levels within the traditional classroom KPA students experience learning in whole groups, small groups, and one on one learning environments based on a model of Inclusion.
Inclusion refers to education settings that are least restrictive whenever possible.
Gifted students, for example, receive specialized instruction three times a week in a smaller setting that allows for deeper academic study and a more accelerated learning path commensurate with their intellectual ability. Gifted students participate in our move-when-ready strategies that allow them to participate in study at another grade level if appropriate. Additionally, Gifted students in 8-12 grades may be invited to participate in summer study abroad field trips sponsored by the school.
Students with intellectual or physical disabilities that cause traditional classroom settings to be inappropriate for academic growth can participate in learning in an environment designed to meet their needs and develop life long skills. Highly trained staff work with students and use the best practices for their specific learning challenges. Our school offers specialized equipment and resources that optimize rigor for all academic areas.
All students, regardless of placement, participate in Connections classes and physical education.
For more information about the specific types of disabilities KPA specializes in please contact the Special Education Department Chair at 678.825.0009, extension 1.