Cheerleading Auditions

Cheerleading Uniforms

For the 2018-2019 school year, KPA Cheerleaders will hold auditions for grades 4-5 on July 23-24, 2018, during the Summer Open House. Rising third and fourth grade girls can audition, in person, on Monday and Tuesday beginning at 10:00 a.m. in the school gymnasium. Each child should bring a sack lunch, and dress appropriate for exercise (no skirts please) with tennis shoes. Cheerleading auditions will be held from 10:00 - 2:00 p.m. Please plan to pick your daughter up on time both Monday and Tuesday.

Parents whose children make the team will be able to sign up for practice schedule snacks, Team Mom, and other volunteer opportunities which will count toward your Parent Contract hours.

Cheerleading uniforms and other fees are in addition to tuition and information about payment plans will be available on Monday, July 23 at the Open House.

The faculty contacts for Cheerleading are Alexandria Stephens and Shawn Clark